Achieving Financial Security In Retirement… Is A Bucket Company The New SMSF?


Many of our clients fit into a similar profile… Do any of these circumstances sound familiar?

• The big 5-0 is either looming or just passed you.

• You earn a mix of personal and business income.

• Your business affairs are well managed however you pay less attention to your day-to-day living costs.

• You are at the peak of your earning ability & have a good lifestyle but wonder where all the money actually goes. (Yet you aim for a higher standard of living, want your children to have a good education, want to live in a nicer home, love big annual holidays with family etc).

• You are thinking more about your Superannuation (and other investments) and wonder if it will be enough to maintain the retirement lifestyle you desire.

• Superannuation no longer has the allure if previously did, with:

– continual rule changes / limits on contributions;
– no scope for succession (it ceases when you die);
– an inability to access it ahead of retirement for personal use; and
– still years until you can access it.

• You’re enjoying work, and aren’t sure what retirement looks like. Do you need to retire, or can your role adapt?


Like many of our clients, you might be realising it’s time for some changes. You too may have a busy personal and business life and are wondering where all the money goes each month.

There is a need for you to create the right circumstance now to ensure you are financially secure in the future (this doesn’t mean retired necessarily). Typically, you will need to be debt-free in retirement and will need investments both inside and outside of superannuation to fund a lifestyle similar to that which you are enjoying now.

With the help of an external bookkeeper, your personal income and expenditure can be put into an online accounting platform so you can start to:

• analyse both money going in and out of personal accounts;
• identify expenses that will reduce in the future (e.g personal insurance, education etc); and
• look for areas of waste.


By introducing a platform which allows you to focus also on personal expenses, you will be more able to reduce financial waste and channel the resultant savings into:

• debt reduction;
• distributions to bucket companies; and
• superannuation contributions.

Where investments are made in either a superannuation or bucket company environment, this ensures more of your after-tax money is used for investment and debt reduction.
All of these improve your Net Wealth, ensuring you are on track to being financially secure in the future.


The information in this blog is intended only to provide a general overview and has not been prepared with a view to any particular situation or set of circumstances. It is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute advice. While we attempt to ensure the information is current and accurate we do not guarantee its currency and accuracy. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the information in this blog as it may not be appropriate for your individual circumstances.

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Today’s financial environment demands a regular review of strategy and a focus on execution.